Designed to represent modern narrow-body aircrafts, the Airport Rescue and Fire Fighter Training Facility in Punta Gorda required crews to build not only the 95-foot aircraft mock-up, but a water reclamation structure and control building to manage the fire training simulator.
This new Fireboat Station includes a 20,000-sq-ft fire station building, 11,200-sq-ft covered fireboat bay enclosure, geotechnical improvements, site utilities, stand-by generator, fire pump enclosure, stormwater BMP, landscape, fencing and hardscape improvements.
The almost century-old seawall lining the banks of the Hudson River along its path through Troy, N.Y., was in need of repair after sustaining damage during Hurricane Irene.
Numerous electrical installations were required on this $13.3-million, 340,000-sq-ft four-building technical college, including distribution, interior and exterior lighting, lighting controls and an emergency backup generator.
Installed in 1962 for Seattle’s World Fair, the city’s monorail electrical system at Seattle Center and Westlake Center stations was overdue for an upgrade.