Construction firm, union and trade group execs will provide post-COVID-19 market startup advice while Trump tells governors: "You're going to call your own shots."
VP Pence seeks donations of N95 masks to local hospitals and forgo additional orders as AGC seeks clarity if request is official policy or 'off the cuff remark.'
President Donald Trump gained some ground in his border wall fight and now seeks to divert more milcon billions in 2020, but other courts have rejected the approach.
Court is expected to consolidate a Sept. 25 lawsuit from attorneys general of 17 states, New York City and the District of Columbia with earlier one filed by environmental groups.
Keep the industry exempt from a Trump administration plan to create private oversight of craft programs; the system works to prevent lowering the bar long set.
President Donald Trump is facing challenges on Capitol Hill and in the courts over his emergency declaration, which would let him transfer funds from other construction accounts to pay for his long-desired wall along the border between the U.S. and Mexico.