The $16.8-million restoration of historic Weeks Hall at Texas Tech University required the project team to transform a three-story residence hall into a fresh new space on campus where students and faculty could collaborate, study and work.
Adjacent to one of the largest college football stadiums in the U.S. and situated on a site of a decommissioned power plant, Michigan State University’s STEM Teaching and Learning Facility faced a mountain of challenges.
The $59-million, 146,000-sq-ft Iowa State University Student Innovation Center was designed to be flexible. Unlike so many buildings on campus, the SIC was not defined by one college, user group or entity as the sole occupant.
This project provides a new home for the Duke University Pratt School of Engineering’s education, research and entrepreneurship initiatives by bringing together faculty and students from various departments.
Situated in the heart of campus, the 176,000-sq-ft predominantly brick and glass double-tower structure is more than twice the size of the previous home of the College of Business.
To reduce the university’s energy costs while avoiding the capital expenditures needed to expand the existing energy plant’s cooling capacity, the design and construction team delivered a 3.5-million-gallon chilled water, thermal energy storage tank in May 2020.