Transportation design firms are seeing the best market conditions in years, thanks to a variety of funding initiatives that are allowing states and
localities to extend project programming horizons into the 2020s.
Several top architectural firms continue to see improving industry market conditions, enjoying large revenue gains last year and forecasting continued strength in the near future.
The top 10 firms in the ENR MidAtlantic Top Contractor rankings nearly surpassed pre-recession levels in 2015, raising a combined $10.33 billion, up from $9.9 billion in 2014 and $9 billion in 2013. In 2008, the top 10 contractors collected a total of $10.7 billion.
The global player chose the Southwest as its first U.S. location decades ago and uses these strong roots to acquire key talent and provide community leadership
The global player chose the Southwest as its first U.S. location decades ago and uses these strong roots to acquire key talent and provide community leadership.
To assess how global construction companies are, we use two measures: The first is depth, or what percentage of business activity takes place across international borders.