Design is complete and site preparation is underway for construction of a massive medical marijuana greenhouse facility on 30 acres of leased land at the Edmonton International Airport, a Canadian firm has announced.
Homeowners on Jan. 6 added another lawsuit to the list pending against Millennium Partners, developer of the 645-ft-tall Millennium Tower, located in San Francisco’s South-of-Market district.
The Force is now with Los Angeles, as “Star Wars” creator George Lucas selected Exposition Park as the location for his new, $1-billion Lucas Museum of Narrative Art.
With the decentering complete of the fixed trusses that shape the daring kinetic roof of the Atlanta Falcons stadium, the steel erector is adding the eight movable parts, called "petals," that will close and open like an oculus.
As those on the leading edge know, progress in the buildings sector does not come easily. But that doesn't stop innovators from working diligently to increase the sustainability and resilience of buildings and decrease their carbon footprints while trying to find ways to boost construction quality and building-team productivity.
Some states in the region could see as much as a 6% increase in construction starts this coming year; others will struggle with declining state revenues and population loss.