In an unprecedented collaboration, Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Salesforce, along with floor covering supplier Interface are showing their collective commitment to embodied carbon reduction by joining the board of Building Transparency—a nonprofit formed recently to further develop a free-to-use digital tool for estimating embodied carbon in building construction, called the Embodied Carbon in Construction Calculator.
The American Institute of Steel Construction’s group reviewing problematic built-up plate girders in San Francisco’s Salesforce Transit Center is considering the girders’ design detail—where the brittle fractures occurred. The team will also look into a similar girder failure at the SoNo Collection mall in Connecticut.
The American Institute of Steel Construction’s virtual steel conference—which replaced AISC’s annual gathering canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic—offered dozens of no-cost online professional development hours to its 9,146 registrants.
American Institute of Steel Construction expected 1,000 people to sign up for its four days of webinars. Instead, the registration to date is more than 7,150.
The only group in the U.S. and Canada that collects and disseminates lessons from failures, errors, mishaps and safety issues is calling for reports on structural and jobsite hazards arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Teams are working behind the scenes on longer-lead time COVID-19 retrofits and conversions for hospitals, hotels and dormitories. Many of these are aimed at increasing the supply of coronavirus-patient intensive care units and airborne infection isolation rooms to protect health-care workers.
An American Institute of Architects task force has released a tool to help public officials identify buildings suitable to be adapted for patient care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In a recent survey by the International Code Council, 26% of the more than 1,150 code-official respondents report building departments have received requests for permits for COVID-19-related facilities, including in temporary structures in alternative locations, such as school gymnasiums, hotels, outpatient surgical centers or in pop-structures in parking lots.