A floating fire station is nearing completion along San Francisco’s waterfront at Pier 22½ which will replace an existing fire station and fire boat berthing facility.
Since Haiti’s magnitude-7.2-earthquake on Aug. 14, which struck the underserved Tiburon Peninsula, Build Health International has marshalled its staff, supporters and resources in Haiti and the U.S., where it is based, to help.
The nonprofit Build Health International overcomes myriad obstacles to enable health care for the world's neediest by providing high-quality, cost-effective hospitals.
Contract value was not disclosed, but firm's offshore unit will produce the key component at its Texas oil and gas fabrication site for a NY project, said developers, who also said federal environmental review of an adjacent 924-MW wind farm had begun
Solar is the fastest-growing source of new power in the U.S., but up to four times more project capacity is needed to reach net-zero energy target by 2035, says just released federal report.
As federal legislation again makes its way to the Senate, architects, designers and engineers discuss what they can do to prevent using harmful chemicals in building materials.
"Unprecedented” project shift is urged as UN report amplifies climate change impact warning and energy sector CO2 emissions are projected to increase 7% in 2021.