The Charles Pankow Foundation has released preliminary guidance to designers and builders interested in considering the impacts of embodied carbon in mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems.
The International Living Future Institute, steward of the world’s most demanding sustainable-building program, is no longer satisfied with its boutique status as a third-party certifier of super-green buildings.
Help is on the way for structural engineers driving toward improving the efficiency, reliability and resilience of buildings through performance-based wind design.
New York’s largest buildings will have to be retrofitted to produce fewer carbon emissions under one of the first laws passed by the city council as part of the city’s sweeping Green New Deal.
The road to innovation can be a long and winding one, but it might be hard to rival the path followed by the Ocean Renewable Power Co., of Portland, Maine, and its RivGen submersible electric power generating system, which is designed for installation on riverbeds and is based upon the company’s tide-driven units for maritime locations.
Despite submitting long-awaited drought contingency plans to Congress, the states of the Colorado River Basin expect to continue operating largely as they have, focusing on conservation, rather than new infrastructure.