In an effort to combat heat gain in urban areas and mitigate the effects of climate change, researchers in Arizona are evaluating reflective coatings for roadways.
House-Senate committee measures would have up to 10 times more impact than the Energy Act of 2020, says analysis, as Chevron says it will grow lower carbon energy businesses by $10 billion through 2028.
A nuclear fusion startup led by scientists at MIT announces a major advance that the team believes could pave the way for the world’s first commercial fusion power reactor by the end of the decade.
A floating fire station is nearing completion along San Francisco’s waterfront at Pier 22½ which will replace an existing fire station and fire boat berthing facility.
Since Haiti’s magnitude-7.2-earthquake on Aug. 14, which struck the underserved Tiburon Peninsula, Build Health International has marshalled its staff, supporters and resources in Haiti and the U.S., where it is based, to help.
The nonprofit Build Health International overcomes myriad obstacles to enable health care for the world's neediest by providing high-quality, cost-effective hospitals.