Learning lessons from the much-delayed, 23-kilometer first phase of a Tel Aviv regional light-rail system, Israeli transportation officials have issued new engineering and project management tenders for the next two lines, with construction investment estimated at $8 million.
CH2M Hill Inc. has won a program and construction management contract for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority’s rebooted Green Line Extension.
Maine lawmakers on May 10 unanimously rejected a bill that would have killed a University of Maine 12-MW floating offshore wind test project by moving it from a planned site three miles off Monhegan Island to at least seven miles offshore.
In the aftermath of a poorly executed Colorado veterans’ hospital project that tripled in cost from $604 million to $1.7 billion and slipped from a 2013 opening to early 2018, the U.S. Government Accountability Office has taken a critical look at U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs facility planning and project delivery in two recent reports.