Patrick Nagle became CEO of Paris-based Freyssinet International just weeks before the specialty contractor saw the late August debut of the results of one its largest-ever contracts
About 100 Suffolk Construction union workers have restarted site work for a $2.1-billion casino-resort on the Mystic River in Everett, Mass., after opponents in nearby Somerville ended a six-month fight to halt the project.
A state audit issued last month faults the Texas Dept. of Transportation for several shortcomings in administering design-build projects, based on reviews of four projects totaling $3.8 billion that were procured between September 2012 and February 2016.
Brendan Bechtel, soon to be chief executive of the engineering and construction company that bears his family’s name, sounded an alarm about the industry’s performance on megaprojects with words as plainly spoken as any you will hear at a conference.