New ruling clears Quebec-New England hydro power project, despite opposition; developers propose billions in new lines to route more clean energy to New York City.
Merits of Baltimore claim against oil and gas firms for infrastructure damage costs are skipped, as case is returned to lower court with changed guidelines; 25 other municipal and state suits now await new decisions.
Fort Monmouth, a military technology hub for the last century, seeks innovative ways to redevelop 1,126 acres despite financial hurdles, local politics and COVID-19.
$11B added lanes program will now focus on key Potomac River crossing rebuild and fewer toll lane miles. "Our intention is moving forward,” said proponent Gov. Larry Hogan, who leaves office in 2023.
$2.8B, 800MW Vineyard Wind, off Massachusetts, wins U.S. approval to be built under a PLA, as next 800MW state project moves ahead and new ocean real estate is auctioned to add more capacity.
Ruling comes as opponents target its $10.2B expansion that includes pressure on insurers to cut ties; Lloyd's of London unit will drop the project in August