Photo by ENR/Tom Sawyer The City Hall renovation in New York City includes a fuel cell near the building that will be generating most of the its daily load of electricity. Tricky tunneling work paved the way for the box, which has also attracted controversy. Photo by Tom Sawyer/ENR A trench helps bring in upgraded ConEd electrical feeds before it turns about 30 for a 200-ft run to City Hall, which was part of construction management firm Hill International's plan to build new power lines while working around the archaeological hotspots in lower Manhattan. Related Links: Fuel Cells Finding Their
Photo by AP/Wide World New CO2 regulations from the EPA could bring about a new wave of coal-plant closures. Related Links: Presidential Memorandum on Power Sector CO2 Standards DOE Fact Sheet on Draft Advanced Fossil Energy Solicitation The climate-change action plan laid out by President Obama on June 25 provided a broad outline of how the administration plans to address greenhouse-gas emissions for the remainder of his term. While the plan lacked many specifics, Obama and administration officials already have started filling in the details.As a first step, the president on the same day signed a memorandum directing the Environmental
Photo courtesy of Hill International The utility chose the Red Lion substation because of its proximity to major transmission lines that deliver Bloom's electricity to its grid. Related Links: Cover Story: Fuel Cells Find Their Niche Delaware PUC Report Approving the Bloom/Delmarva Power Deal Delaware State Assembly Bill SB 124 Bloom Energy website Hill International Delaware's campaign to entice Bloom Energy to build a new manufacturing plant in the state and then source energy from a fuel-cell farm to the grid went through a political minefield.Consumer and environmental groups opposed the plan; ratepayers would have to shoulder some of the
Related Links: Platts News and Analysis International Energy Association The US shale gas revolution is unlikely to be replicated elsewhere in the world, and its international impact is most likely felt through an increase in liquefied natural gas supplies to the global market, the head of the International Energy Agency said on June 20.Speaking in St. Petersburg, Russia, Executive Director Maria van der Hoeven said there were major obstacles that would impede the development of shale gas in Europe and China.Paris-based IEA, made up of 28 member countries, is a resarch and advocacy group for reliable, affordable and clean energy,
Related Links: Maine To Launch Offshore Floating-Turbine Prototype HNTB, Purdue Lab Push the Speed Limit of Highway Surveys Two East Coast deepwater offshore wind developers have deployed floating lidar systems to provide critical data about wind conditions high above the ocean’s surface that will help with blade and other equipment design.On June 2, the University of Maine, Orono, launched a floating lidar system beside the VolturnUS 1:8 floating offshore wind turbine, which was connected to the grid on June 13 at Castine. It is the first grid-connected floating wind turbine in North America. The lidar system detects wind conditions up
Vitol Vitol, the world's largest oil trader, is building a new liquid freight terminal at Cyprus' port of Vasilikos. A new oil terminal being built by the Athens-based global contractor Joannou and Paraskevaides Ltd. for the world’s largest oil trader, the Vitol Group, is providing some hope to financially challenged Cyprus. The Mediterranean island is hoping a large energy investment will help to repay a $10-billion European Union loan intended to save the country from insolvency.The Vitol terminal and other energy-sector projects are providing some optimism in a depressed economic environment. “There’s euphoria over the energy projects ongoing in Cyprus
Related Links: More about EPA's national enforcement initiative Link to Consent Decree In a settlement with federal agencies, Ash Grove Cement Co., Overland Park, Kan., has agreed to pay a $2.5-million penalty and spend about $30 million on pollution-control improvements to resolve alleged Clean Air Act violations, U.S. officials have announced.The company's agreement with the Dept. of Justice and the Environmental Protection Agency is the latest settlement in a nationwide EPA enforcement drive to reduce emissions from the largest air-pollution sources, including portland cement manufacturing facilities, according to DOJ.Under a consent decree lodged on June 19 in federal district court
Photo Courtesy of Sheehan Pipeline Construction Road ahead for pipeline outfits looks good, with ample demand from the utility and chemical sectors and stable costs for materials and labor Related Links: Pipeline Specialists Profit From Safety, Not Shale Boom Rerouted Keystone Pipeline Path Back for Another Round PG&E Faces Harsh Aftermath Of San Bruno Gas Blast These are good days for pipeline engineering and construction firms. There is a steady flow of work, thanks to booming natural-gas and oil production from U.S. shale plays, increased use of gas for power generation and other factors. The activity is driving a major
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Facility decommissioning could cost billions; Southern California Edison will record a $650-million charge in second quarter. Related Links: Life After Fukushima: Industry, Wall Street and government react to Japans growing nuclear crisis Southern California Edison (SCE) is closing down its troubled San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.The plant’s two reactor units have been shut down since early 2012 after a small leak was detected in a steam generator manufactured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.The Rosemead, Calif.-based utility originally submitted plans to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to restart the reactors, but uncertainty about whether the plan would be
Photo Courtesy of Mississippi Power Consultant's report says that even though Mississippi Power's Kemper County project footprint is large, work spaces are tight and schedule delays could be exacerbated by stacking of trades. Related Links: Mississippi Power Replaces KBR and Yates on Big Coal-Gas Project Coal Power for Mississippi, But $2.9-Billion Cost Cap Set Union labor is helping Mississippi Power and its Southern Co. Services affiliate get the utility's troubled Kemper County integrated gasification combined-cycle project back on track. In its earlier stages, the now $4-billion-plus Kemper project was being built almost entirely by contractors with non-union workforces.But as the