The Sixth Street Viaduct Bridge in Los Angeles—the site of numerous Hollywood movie scenes—has reached the end of its career. City engineers are reviewing a request-for-proposals document for a final cable-stayed design to replace the structure, which consists of two prestressed-concrete viaducts and a double steel-arch center span.
Three of Brazil’s largest airports were privatized earlier this month in a public auction that netted $14.3 billion—almost three and a half times the minimum set by the government for the trio of contracts.
Transnet SOC Ltd., the state-owned port and rail-freight operator of South Africa, and Swaziland Railway have inked a deal for the construction of a 146-kilometer rail line that will create additional capacity for transporting coal exports from the region.
Turkey Ministry of Transport and Communications Planned third bridge across the Bosporus still awaits bids. Turkey Ministry of Transport and Communications Another Turkish bridge will be world's fourth-longest suspension crossing. Seeking to whet the weak appetite among contractors and banks for a $6-billion build-operate-transfer scheme to construct a third crossing over the Bosporus, Turkey's government has divided the project into two and rescheduled the bridge tender for April 5, 2012. Located to the north of Istanbul, the 1,275-meter-long suspension bridge and 90 kilometers of linking motorways are valued at around $2.6 billion. The remaining 340 km of connecting highways to
A controversial proposed bridge over the St. Croix River between Wisconsin and Minnesota has cleared a big hurdle: Congress has approved a bill exempting the project from the requirements of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. The statute bars federally funded projects that would harm such rivers' scenic qualities.
The Vancouver International Airport is planning $1.8 billion in capital projects over the next 10 years, with a heavily front-loaded first four years that already has out requests for proposals for the initial package of work.
Kentucky officials are studying ferry service to move traffic across Kentucky Lake until the U.S. 68/Route 80 bridge can be repaired after a 322-ft span collapsed in a Jan. 26 ship collision.
The Vancouver Airport Authority plans $1.8 billion in capital projects over the next 10 years, with a heavily front-loaded first four years that has the initial package of work already out for requests for proposals.Don Ehrenholz, YVR’s vice president of engineering, says the first RFP includes $213 million to rebuild the A-B Gate Area at the south end of the domestic terminal, which is outdated and under capacity. Crews will create new baggage and retail areas, renovate eight gates and add another. He expects the contract to be awarded within two months and work to then start immediately, finishing in