Navigating heavy train traffic and a swamp, crews have reached the halfway point on the $1.7-billion Portal North Bridge across the Hackensack River in New Jersey.
The article began, “As this is written, most ominous reports come from the Mississippi Valley.” This brief mention in the pages of ENR came as one of the greatest disasters in U.S. history was unfolding.
Crews building the new crossing will soon reach a milestone as bridge sections being built between Detroit and Windsor, Canada
will be joined in the middle by the end of June.
The inadequacy of existing safeguards to protect bridges and other infrastructure from ever-larger container ships was considered in a House hearing May 15, a day after the NTSB released its preliminary report on the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge.
The InQuik system offers a lighter-weight, faster alternative to precast bridges and is drawing attention of transportation agencies across the country.