Canada has prided itself on innovative use of public-private partnerships to build major infrastructure projects. But critics, including public employee unions, argue in new analyses that P3s cost taxpayers more than government procurement methods.
The joint venture of American Bridge and Fluor Corp. has reached a settlement valued at $34 million with the California Transportation Dept. (Caltrans) to end a five-year dispute involving faulty seismic anchor rods used for the $6.5-billion San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge rebuild.
Stewards of public transportation and rail systems throughout the U.S. are facing both certain deadlines for installing positive train control (PTC) systems and uncertainty regarding the future of grants due to a proposed budget that has left some projects in limbo.
The ongoing modernization program at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) continues with a $1.95-billion automated people-mover system, being developed under a public-private design-build-finance-operate-maintain partnership by LAX Integrated Express Solutions.