Caltrans has halted work on a $25-million I-5 bridge-replacement project, north of Redding, as it looks for the cause of a 1.5-in. lateral movement of the unfinished structure’s 400-ft-long arch.
Albuquerque, N.M., residents and visitors are facing an as-yet undetermined wait to use the Albuquerque Rapid Transit, or ART, bus line since, earlier this month, recently elected Mayor Tim Keller (D) held a press conference at which he labeled the $135-million project a “lemon.”
The search for answers continues in the Jan. 15 collapse of a 1,500-ft-long cable-stayed bridge in a mountainous region of central Colombia, killing 10 construction workers and injuring several others.
A Denver contractor will not have to pay the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers savings from the use of an alternative construction method on a Texas bridge project, even though the agency did not formally approve the
deviation from the contract specification.