Looking ahead to President Trump’s $1-trillion, 10-year infrastructure plan, rural states are laying down a marker. Transportation officials from rural areas say public- private partnerships generally won’t help them.
An aggressive effort to overhaul the aging Metro system in Washington, D.C., is producing results as it nears the one-year mark, with more than 28,000 cross-ties and nearly two miles of grout pads now replaced.
Canadian construction and engineering companies are feeling the pinch as a multibillion-dollar federal infrastructure push runs up against mounting delays in getting new projects into the ground.
There is something important happening in Oregon, Washington and Colorado that deserves serious attention from the new Transportation secretary and Congress.
Craig Covil, Arup infrastructure executive, played a key role in recent transit megaprojects in New York City, notably the Fulton Street Transit Center and the recently-opened Second Avenue Subway, for which a joint venture of AECOM and Arup provided engineering and architectural services.