Texas DOT and the Flatiron/Dragados joint venture announced that they have settled last concerns over the proposed design of jointed pier segments that stalled the nearly $1-billion project last July.
The Port of Seattle and Clark Construction have filed suit against each other over issues related to the $1-billion Seattle-Tacoma International Airport International Arrivals Facility (IAF) project.
The $925-million project, which will widen I-10 through Baton Rouge from three to four lanes each way, has risen in cost more than $200 million in two years, officials say.
Authorities are probing a trench collapse that killed two construction workers, who were identified by The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey as Francisco Reyes, 41, and Fernando Lagunas Pereira, 28.
After a dozen years that included a successful tunneling feat and an unusual arrangement for station work, a 1.7-mile, $1.9-billion extension of San Francisco’s Central Subway wrapped up this month.
Representatives of major construction and transportation groups say that highway and transit funds from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act continue to move out, financing active projects around the country at a solid pace.
Industry executive, named to head the Federal Aviation Administration, withdrew as a candidate after Senate Republicans said he lacked experience for the job.