The increase of the Nassau Cruise Port’s capacity to 30,000 passengers per day from 20,000 was accomplished without compromising the integrity of the region’s delicate ecology.
An avenue originally serving as a boundary between the city and its suburbs has evolved into an urban highway thanks to the construction of two separate platforms for each direction of traffic.
A flat muskeg maze-like landscape laced with ponds and streams isolated Whatì—a remote settlement of the Tłı̨chǫ First Nations people in Canada’s Northwest Territories—for much of the year.
The 1915Çanakkale Bridge is not only the world’s longest suspension bridge, with a main span of 2,023 m, but a historic and economic new landmark for Turkey.
The grant awards include $3.1 billion for the California High-Speed Rail Authority and $3 billion for the Brightline West linking Southern California to Las Vegas.