Preparatory work is underway for a summer installation of a new concourse at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport using prefabrication and modular methods—a first for U.S. airports, say officials.
The $2.3 billion Green Line Extension is trundling towards completion, with the first station in the long-awaited project set to open this fall in Somerville.
Crews are set to begin paving, landscaping and other final work on April 19 for the $7 million Bridge Street Bridge replacement project in Gardiner, Maine.
The Las Vegas City Council has approved a negotiating agreement with a company that wants to build a 19-mile light rail or other high capacity mass transit line along Charleston Boulevard, one of the main east-west arterials in the Las Vegas Valley.
State appellate court says home-rule municipalities don't have to abide by 2016 constitutional measure that required transportation funds to be spent only on designated projects and infrastructure.