Appellate court is set to decide whether workers at abandoned VC Summer project in South Carolina are entitled to compensation for no notice of layoff.
The utility has already spent $856 million on remediation and is moving on new cleanup projects, but court battle to stop it from passing costs to ratepayers will likely continue.
Interior Dept. announced proposed leases in U.S. waters off of North Carolina, Louisiana and Texas; environmental review of 2-GW project south of Martha's Vineyard begins.
Will changing workforce trends and new challenges push turnover higher?
Employers deploy and debate approaches to boost engagement and retention in meeting demands of a recovering economy and the big federal infrastructure spend ahead
States and U.S. agencies dispute other border uses for appropriated barrier funds, as Texas awards its first state wall program contract to Michael Baker and Huitt Zollars.
Estimated $22.5B solar generation, battery storage and high-voltage transmission will deliver renewable energy from Australia's Northern Territory to Singapore, with construction set to begin in late 2023.