Shade tents and frequent water breaks are part of the strategies Kris Comon uses for dealing with 100°-plus temperatures and a punishing sun at a two-story building being constructed in Phoenix.
3D Printing is here on construction sites around the globe and it's delivering everything from concrete walls to welded bridges. Are the liability and risk reduction departments ready for it?
Delegates at the American Institute of Architects annual meeting late last month in New York City resoundingly passed an anti-abuse and anti-harassment resolution to amend the AIA Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
Jesse Ely, a union ironworker, can thank a net designed to catch falling debris for saving his life after a harrowing fall from the edge of a Seattle high-rise building.
The joint venture of American Bridge and Fluor Corp. has reached a settlement valued at $34 million with the California Transportation Dept. (Caltrans) to end a five-year dispute involving faulty seismic anchor rods used for the $6.5-billion San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge rebuild.
Massachusetts’ high court has ordered a state superior court to reassess facts in a pay dispute on an overbudget and late-running $90-million fiber-optic project for a state agency.