In the age of artificial intelligence and automation, engineers must develop internal processes that free their people up to design and innovate while automating time-consuming, traditional tasks.
Says Kit Miyamoto, founder of engineering firm Miyamoto International, after tour of hard-hit area: "The scene of devastation is unlike anything I have seen in my 20 years of working in disaster zones."
A "smart infrastructure" approach demands that utility and IoT data inform major infrastructure programs from a database such as that in a geographical information system.
Conversational Artificial Intelligence technology such as ChatGPT can help contractors make better decisions, enhance communication and collaboration, and rapidly change the industry.
Technology might make working remotely possible for office personnel, but you need to consider what that will mean for your company's culture, especially considering the very human diversity and inclusivity goals it has.
The disruptions, remote working and supply chain challenges that the pandemic presented will have both answers and lessons for construction professionals to learn in 2023.
For technology tools to make a real impact in construction they must be used beyond minimum requirements. That means understanding and respecting the processes of the jobsite.