“Nimble” is frequently used to describe how AEC human resources leaders responded to the cascade of challenges in the past year. On top of supporting field crews to help keep jobsites safe and productive amid Covid-19 outbreaks, HR teams scrambled to craft strategies for maintaining connections across a suddenly dispersed office workforce, sustain recruiting efforts with only limited access to prospective candidates and conduct sometimes difficult discussions of social justice issues raised by the Black Lives Matter movement.
Stefan Pryor was appointed Rhode Island’s first Secretary of Commerce by Gov. Gina M. Raimondo (D) and confirmed unanimously by the state Senate in 2015.
No cause yet disclosed amid government probe of July 12 disaster in downtown area of Kelowna, B.C., that killed four workers on site and an engineer in a damaged adjacent building.
Pandemic and energy transition usher in new needs for firms' expertise as reality finally sets in on the globe's ecological fragility. See which firms made this year's list.