During his final 20 months in the U.S. Navy, Carlos Diaz was part of a team deconstructing a nuclear aircraft carrier for refurbishment. The experience made him want to be a designer.
When development hit a snag in 2021 on NET Power LLC’s still unproven technology to allow power plants to burn natural gas with near-zero emissions while producing dispatchable energy, Ron DeGregorio stepped up to lead the effort as CEO.
Rick Cotton pulled no punches when talking about the need to transform LaGuardia International Airport. Speaking to ENR last year while standing in the light-filled, glossy new Terminal B, he said, “LaGuardia had become the laughingstock of the city, nation and probably the world.
Safety executive for large energy contractor Quanta Services Compher leads a team to reduce its severe and fatal accidents by overhauling company practices according to “new view” safety principles. It seems to be working.
Structural engineer Sean P. Clifton owes his career trajectory to the liquid “sloshing” damper. As a graduate student at the University of Texas Austin, he watched with fascination as a guest lecturer demonstrated the action of the device—which damps a tall building’s sway—using a 1-ft-tall “homemade” oscillator to represent a skyscraper.
In 2019, electricity was costing SA Water $83 million per year, its single-largest operational expense. The agency sought a sustainable and renewable solution to cut costs.
Complaints of a fuel-like smell coming from the water in this far-north Canadian city prompted do-not-consume orders in October 2021 and January 2022, limiting residents’ access to potable water and its hospital’s ability to sterilize equipment.
Encircled by a water-filled moat, the 60,000-seat stadium resembles a dragon boat on which Chinese people voyaged when they first traveled to Cambodia in the 13th century.