Due to geologic hurdles, the Calaveras Dam project in northern California grew to an $810-million budget and an eight-year schedule from a planned $416-million budget and four-year schedule.
Industry officials credit Ted Henifin, general manager of the Hampton Roads Sanitation District, with conceptualizing an innovative initiative that addresses multiple issues under one program: meeting ever-toughening water-quality requirements, ensuring sufficient supplies of drinking water, and slowing and potentially even reversing dramatic land subsidence due to sea-level rise and groundwater over-pumping.
Transitioning rail to a floating bridge that is constantly bobbing and swaying at the whims of the water required a first-ever solution for Sound Transit.
Ironworkers typically end up plying their trade at the very top of under-construction buildings, notes Eric Dean, adding, “And the view from the top is pretty good.”
Four or five years ago, just as the industry was emerging from the recession, PCL Construction Services Inc. President Deron Brown and his team decided to invest in a project-delivery software called PartsLab.