Gresham also was a president of the American Institute of Architects and established the first endowed professorship in Auburn University's school of architecture
U.S.-born executive joined the Stockholm-based firm through acquisition, and led it as the first non-Swede chief to expand in buildings and transportation markets worldwide.
Ed Feiner, who was instrumental in elevating the architecture of federal buildings as GSA's chief architect from 1996 to 2005, succumbed to a brain tumor at age 75.
Celebration of life service is Sunday, Aug. 29, 2-5PM, PST in Las Vegas for highway agency spokesman and much-recognized construction writer and editor who died suddenly there on July 30.
No reason stated for energy contractor former chief's action; infrastructure leader Maria Lehman, elected ASCE 2022-23 president, intends to "right some of the wrongs in the profession right now," she said.
Consensus-builder Doug Woods, the D in DPR Construction, died on May 19 at age 70. Considered an enlightened leader, Woods was a 2012 ENR Newsmaker for fostering collaboration, innovation and technology in construction.