The team behind this 8,500-sq-m single-use, monoclonal antibody biotech production facility for animal medication needed to meet its schedule targets so the owner could meet the earliest possible product-to-market date.
With this project’s location in northern Peru being periodically impacted by intense rainfall, often inundating public roads—and the area lacking systems to adequately handle such downpours—IDOM Consulting Engineering Architecture incorporated natural rainwater collection and drainage systems into the design of Sullana Hospital.
Located in a remote and rural part of Canada’s most eastern province, this 600,000-sq-ft hospital takes an innovative approach to design, operational and environmental solutions.
In her remarks at the mid-2023 ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new U.S. embassy in Windhoek, Namibia’s capital, Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield called it “a symbol of, and testament to, our strong, abiding relationship.”
The project at one of the country’s most noted schools for science and technology includes a lecture hall complex, student housing, a dining hall, laboratories, academic quads, administration buildings, a health care center and infrastructure.
The Dwight School Hanoi is described by the project team as a premium private school in the Vietnam capital designed with a modern urban educational vision that provides space for adaptive areas, flexible learning and social distancing.
The large-scale mixed-use building complex—which integrates comprehensive performance theaters, multi-functional mini-theaters and conference centers—is a landmark and the city’s first comprehensive public cultural building.
This $500-million expansion has more than doubled the facility’s rentable area, making it the largest convention center in western Canada—forecast to deliver an estimated $100 million in annual economic impact, according to the project team.