Six-story Davenport apartment structure had been undergoing exterior brick wall repairs prior to partial collapse on May 28, with two people feared still inside and dead.
Los Angeles International Airport modernization includes a new terminal with 12 to 18 new gates as well as development of Concourse 0 with six to nine net new gates and airfield upgrades.
Justices ruled unanimously that two Idaho landowners, in their second appeal before the court, should not be fined for building near wetlands that did not appear to have a direct surface connection to a larger body of water—but four cautioned in a separate opinion that the majority went too far in reducing federally protected areas.
Group cites need for better crew safeguards, citing its member firm study that work zones are either as dangerous, or more dangerous, than they were a year ago.
The Bureau of Reclamation opened a funding opportunity for project proposals to result in measurable water savings in Lake Mead at the
Arizona-Nevada border, or to add new water to an applicant’s supply to
cut use of river water,
U.S. Energy Dept. did not detail why it withdrew its conditional loan to Texas-based Microvast made last year for a $500M plant in Kentucky, but the firm's founder disputes Congressional allegations of alleged ties to the Chinese government voiced in letters to the agency since last year.
To meet demand for industry transformation in fast-changing markets, women are moving quickly to innovate in leadership and in diversity and inclusion impact.
The tech equipment maker says the amount of its investment in the California project is contingent on the federal funding it receives via the Chips and Science Act.