Cincinnati’s West End is a mostly Black neighborhood where, compared to the rest of the city, the median income is lower and the percentage of residents who rent is higher. So when FC Cincinnati, the city’s professional soccer team, chose the neighborhood for its $250-million TQL Stadium, it raised both hopes and worries about what would happen to the area.
Projects aim to deliver a 21st-century model of environmental and economic justice in building a new American industry in areas facing pollution and climate change risk
Major construction launched in early December on Germany's Fehmarn Island for the Fehmarnbelt Tunnel—an 18-km underwater immersed-tube tunnel that is set to be the world's longest.
Vehicle maker Rivian plant project subs from China, Spain and Mexico used complex arrangement to avoid paying overtime wages, state attorney general says.
OnStation, a mobile app that allows road construction crews to easily locate people, assets and physical conditions, is gaining traction on projects throughout the U.S.
The U.S. Commerce Dept. on Nov. 24 followed through with expected anti-dumping and countervailing duties on Canadian softwood lumber, placing tariffs of 17.99% on their imports—more than twice the 8.99% rate imposed during the Trump administration.
The logistical snarls in the global supply chain that have disrupted so many other aspects of construction have put pressure on the equipment supply, which combines with the high level of demand to keep sales and resales brisk.
Over the past year, consultant Currie & Brown’s global construction cost experts have reported consistent market trends and headwinds. Common experiences in all regions were post-pandemic recovery and historic hikes in materials prices.