Euro countries and US push projects to support new cuts in Russian supply, agreed to in May 30 pact and set to take effect by year end, but impacts of changing energy strategies are raising concerns
A 525-ft-long sliding girder, originally built for a Hong Kong project, will place around 1,000 concrete elements of a 2.1-mile viaduct for a new high-speed railroad.
Major US water, waste utility groups lobby Congress for exemption from developing federal enforcement of stiffer rules to clean up ubiquitous toxic substances in the environment.
Retired U.S. Army Gen. Stephen R. Lyons will lead efforts to improve cargo flow at U.S. ports and untangle slowdowns in the sprawling domestic freight supply chain.
An excavator recently broke through a wall separating two sections of the $9.6-billion Brenner Base Tunnel, creating a 24.1-km continuous bore from the south portal at Fortezza, Italy to the Austrian border.
High school mentor support is elevated to college level to boost engineering and construction graduation rates and broader array of industry career options