CH2M Hill and the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority are “in active, productive discussions,” focused on “resolving issues and completing” an important toll-lane project in the Austin area, according to a joint statement issued on Feb. 4.
A report released on Feb. 4 by Dodge Data & Analytics ranks the New York City metropolitan area as both the largest and fastest-growing metro area in the nation for construction, with $35 billion in new starts during 2015, a 66% increase over 2014.
Taiwanese authorities arrested the developer of a 17-story apartment tower that collapsed, a government official said, as the search for survivors continues.
Construction management pioneer John Tishman died Feb. 6 at age 90 after a long illness. He managed the construction of the original 110-story World Trade Center twin towers in New York City and the 100-story John Hancock Center in Chicago, as well as Century City in Los Angeles, Walt Disney’s EPCOT Center in Florida and the restoration of Carnegie Hall.