State transportation agencies take stock of damage and prepare to award contracts to repair and rebuild highways and bridges hard hit by Hurricane Helene.
What triggered a whistleblower lawsuit that led to damages against a West Virginia-based paving supplier and contractor that is a unit of giant CRH Americas?
Considerable damage is seen in Florida, Georgia and North Carolina after the Category 4 hurricane swept up from the Gulf of Mexico, as communities take stock and emergency workers assess dams, bridges and other critical infrastructure.
The first thing you might notice about the recent report by ENR Southeast region editor Derek Lacey on the $1-billion U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ lock replacement project at Chickamauga Dam near Chattanooga, Tenn., are two descriptive wide angle photographs of the project to complement his narrative.
This 1944 cover image is one of the first photos to be published of a Bailey Bridge, a piece of equipment that proved invaluable to the Allies in World War II, and has since gone into wide use globally.