The design-build team of Hensel Phelps and Fentress Architects delivered the first air traffic control tower to employ a performance-based seismic design with vertical post-tensioning.
Complex shoring and underpinning helped crews safely renovate the 1939 Art Deco-style University of California printing plant and build a 30,000-sq-ft addition encased in a sweeping metal skin.
The team solved a significant geotechnical challenge linking the 11-level art museum expansion to the existing five-story museum on a tight infill block in downtown San Francisco.
The Inland Empire’s transportation sector remains active, including several key tolling projects underway that will ease traffic congestion and improve safety, Khalil Saba says.
Metropolis developer split the phased, 4.1-million-sq-ft Los Angeles project into two general contracts to minimize financial risk and meet the fast-tracked schedule
Swinerton project accountant Thea Hem took this iPhone photo, which shows the dramatic scale of the Trinity Venus sculpture by Lawrence Argent in San Francisco.
The San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District will accept bids through Aug. 2 for the Earthquake Safety Program Transbay Tube (TBT) Internal Retrofit.