Each morning, demolition workers don powered respirators with full hood assemblies, battery packs and air hoses to prevent exposure to the lead paint that covers most of the nearly 80-year-old steel structure of the East Span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.
Tight space constraints along a 4.3-mile light-rail expansion for the Sacramento Regional Transit District, or Sacramento RT, required engineers to modify plans and adopt new rail-damping technology to reduce noise in residential areas.
California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) unveiled a significantly down- sized plan to restore his state's Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, a major water resource for both agricultural and urban users.
MATT Construction project manager Sam Ragsdale snapped this iPhone photograph of crews installing the exterior skin at the Petersen Automotive Museum renovation in Los Angeles.
For the first time in nine years, a commercial construction project tops ENR California's annual ranking of the largest construction starts in the state last year.
Turning an unused pipe chase into an access tunnel for crews so they can walk safely under a busy street from the parking lot to the site epitomizes the type of workarounds that have kept the 70%-complete 500-MW replacement of the 460-MW Unit 3 Scattergood Generating Station on track.