Firms large and small in New York and New Jersey, and even individuals, produce plastic face shields to help augment dwindling supplies of personal protective equipment for health care workers.
In late December, the Federal Aviation Administration published proposed regulations governing the usage of drones in the U.S., triggering a pushback from drone professionals over rules requiring live transmitting of drone locations during operation.
A new Level of Accuracy Specification for commissioning construction measurement services, such as scanning, was released on Aug. 20 by the U.S. Institute of Building Documentation.
An advanced weather service recently taken up by airlines and other industries that need hyper-accurate forecasting is making inroads into construction, and early-adopting roofing companies already are beginning to rely on its granular forecasts and alerts.
The focus of IBHS outreach in 2019 is calling out details of landscaping, construction materials, and the assembly of decks, roofs, siding, soffits and vents as ignition-point risks when seeded by wind-blown embers. It also is looking at the fire resistance of manufactured lumber, versus natural materials.
Two industrial engineers at the Augmentation and Training of Humans with Engineering in North America lab at Iowa State University have created a professional certification program for engineers seeking to amplify human performance.