Scott Van Voorhis writes regularly for ENR about risk management, insurance, and the Canadian engineering, construction and infrastructure sectors. He launched his own freelance writing business in 2008 after nearly two decades as a reporter and business columnist for the Boston Herald, Boston Business Journal and The Eagle-Tribune.
Judges reject halt to Enbridge oil pipe replacement while suits to stop the Canada-supported project are weighed and opponents seek Biden intervention; but new Keystone-XL project battle emerges
Ontario 250MW facility, Canada's largest, could get federal infrastructure bank investment, while U.K. regulators approved record-size lithium-ion storage project in November.
A provision in the newly passed NextGen Roadmap bill would enable individual cities, towns and suburbs to mandate tough, net-zero-energy building codes that could hurt construction and development at a time when the economy remains shaky, developers say.
Boston has become the first major city in the country that will incorporate Obama-era, federal anti-discrimination rules into the process of reviewing major new apartment and condo projects.