Adjustments to increase the velocity of a 6,000-lb wrecking ball had its desired effect more than a week after Caltrans engineers determined that the key Highway 1 connection on California's coast had been irreparably damaged during a series of storms.
Caltrans engineers are scrambling to replace Pfeiffer Canyon Bridge, a 317-ft-long, concrete continuous box-beam bridge on a key coastal highway after mudslides moved one of the support columns more than a foot, causing the span to crack and bow.
A trio of spillway failures at the 770-ft-tall earthfill Oroville Dam that prompted the evacuation of more than 188,000 people from central California has renewed questions about the reliability of hundreds of dams in the state and more nationally.
California high court nixes suit challenging a winning competitor's alleged failure to pay prevailing wages, while an assembly bill would make state the first to weigh carbon costs of materials in bid selection.
Homeowners on Jan. 6 added another lawsuit to the list pending against Millennium Partners, developer of the 645-ft-tall Millennium Tower, located in San Francisco’s South-of-Market district.
The $5-billion renewal of the Stanford University Medical Center in highly seismic Palo Alto is rich with the demands of all health care facility expansions.
It took Flint, Mich.’s water issues, which rose to a crisis level last year with news of the city’s extensive lead-tainted supply, to catapult sector needs higher on legislative agendas and into the public consciousness.