Building on advances at similar tunnels in China, the Dalian Bay Undersea Tunnel team had to solve numerous technical challenges and adapt to cold site conditions to complete the first cross-sea immersed tube tunnel in the northern reaches of the country.
Winning projects from 800 contenders reflect US design and construction excellence based on teamwork, quality, innovation and industry and community impact
While clocking in at 1.6 miles in length, Valley Metro’s newest section of its Phoenix light rail system packs in many firsts for the area within its tight footprint.
It isn’t an exaggeration to say that Nadine M. Post is the top journalist on building design and construction and related topics. Her retirement after a 46-year association with ENR leaves a gap impossible to fill.
A research team comprised of academics and industry professionals rolled out a new tool to assist firms with maximizing the value of their digital transformation on capital projects.
Three-building $1.8B project next to lake in Tempe, Ariz. faced issues in foundation work, which penetrates three levels down into the Salt River’s alluvial soil and cobble.