In a bid to speed work on projects in remote sites and cope with labor shortages, Mortenson has announced an agreement with tech start-up Built Robotics to expand the contractors deployments of fully autonomous construction projects on renewable energy projects.
There’s been a lot of talk about getting autonomous construction equipment into the field, but few have been willing to use operatorless heavy iron on real sites.
As consumer drones have gained sophistication and professional drones have come down in price, features previously limited to high-end devices are finding their way onto ever more affordable unmanned aerial vehicles.
As the world’s largest equipment manufacturers convened in Munich for the Bauma equipment show April 4-14, the overriding question was what has changed in the industry since the last show three years ago.
Getting the most out of a gas turbine is key to managing power grids around the world, where shaving seconds off start-up and shut-down times keeps utilities afloat.