Every year, ENR Texas & Louisiana publishes the Top Project Starts from the previous year, ranked by construction cost, across the five-state region of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas.
The project will be located on nearly 3,000 acres of land along three miles of the Sabine-Neches waterway and could become one of the largest LNG export projects in North America.
BP's plan would result in reducing the company’s emissions to net zero from a current total of 415 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year — and could create new work for the AEC industry.
From nearly 500 entries from across ENR’s 10 regional Top Young Professionals contests, a final group of 20 individuals has emerged as the fourth annual group to be recognized as ENR’s national Top 20 Under 40.
Each year, ENR Southwest publishes the Top Project Starts from the previous year, ranked by construction cost, across the three-state region of Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico.