Comment on an AACE Recommended Practice on the measurement and use of past trends to forecast future progress and hear the latest on the Construction CPM Conference.
We do have an influence on what software firms develop and market. This blog has previously suggested an owner is better served by requiring use of risk analysis. To learn how software is evolving to meet our needs read on...
The ENR print edition of 10/12/15 included an article Law & Risk Mitigation IIwhich touches upon several of the issues raised in this blog. One key point in our posts on Law relates to control – authority and responsibility are linked – and perhaps no matter what the contract documents may say to the contrary.
To practice engineering, one must attend school, obtain experience under an Engineer, pass a test, and take an oath to place the public health safety and welfare ahead of personal gain. But many states grant large corporations an "industrial exemption" to these requirements. It is time to reexamine this loophole.