Mortenson Co. Named ENR Midwest Contractor of the Year

It was typically a very close call. But when the final vote was cast by ENR regional editors across the country, Mortenson Construction was named the ENR Midwest Contractor of the Year.
An international company formed in 1954 and based in Minneapolis, Mortenson Construction is poised to move up from its 17th overall ranking in last year’s list of Top Contractors in the Midwest Region. Midwest revenue of $594.30 million for 2015 represents a strong 73.93% increase from the previous year. Although final rankings are yet to be set, Mortenson Construction will finish within the top 15 in the region, which officially includes Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin.
As of the most recent tabulations, Mortenson Construction ranked 4th in the Midwest in 2015 in regional green construction revenue, as well as top-five in overall revenue in Wisconsin and top-10 in the region-driving Illinois market. “Fascinating company … they are very progressive,” noted one longtime ENR editor.
Mortenson Construction’s largest Midwest project to be completed in 2015 was Milwaukee's $128-million Froedtert Hospital & The Medical College of Wisconsin Center for Advanced Care. The company’s largest Midwest project to break ground in 2015 is the $75.68-million QTS Chicago Data Center.
Mortenson Construction was previously recognized in 2013 by ENR Mountain States for its work in that region of the country.
You’ll be able to read more about the ENR Midwest Contractor of the Year in the upcoming July 18 issue of ENR Midwest.