Are you one of ENR’s Newsmakers from across the years? We want you for a photo op at this year’s Award of Excellence gala. To help celebrate the 50th anniversary of the program, we plan to open the evening with a group photo of all the returning Newsmakers from years’ past. A week after the event, we will publish the photo in this column and online, with a story about the outstanding accomplishments of our Newsmakers over the years.

When ENR Editor Emeritus Art Fox became chief editor, he believed the construction industry would benefit from annually listing and honoring those who have made worthwhile contributions. The first list debuted on Jan. 23, 1964, with the name “Some Men Who Made Marks in ’63.” That list included Morris Beutel, who creatively used computers for critical-path scheduling and estimating for Allen, Brothers & O’Hara, and, posthumously, President John F. Kennedy, for pushing $1.2 billion in federal aid for college building construction.

Two years later, Fox expanded the program to recognize one “Marksman” as the “Man of the Year.” The list evolved to “Those Who Made Marks” in 1975, as women made the list of honorees, and then, in 1995, to the Top 25 Newsmakers. The name “Man of the Year” changed in 1994, when Ginger Evans was named “Woman of the Year”—and the first Award of Excellence winner. Throughout the program, the criteria have been constant: ENR’s list has identified individuals who have served the best interests of the construction industry and the public.

Please join us on April 16 to recognize 50 years of excellence. Former newsmakers will be acknowledged with ribbons on their badges and called to the stage for the group photo. The black-tie event starts with a reception at 5 pm on the 8th floor of the Marriott Marquis overlooking Times Square in Manhattan, followed by the banquet at 7 pm. I hope to see you there!