The latest monthly update from the House Transportation and infrastructure Committee, released March 4, shows that states have 73.1% of their $26.8 billion in ARRA formula highway funds under contract, as of Jan. 31. That’s up from 66% as of Dec. 31.
Results have been even stronger in stimulus-act Clean Water State Revolving Funds, which finance wastewater-treatment projects. As of Jan. 31, 96.1% of the $4 billion ARRA provided was under contract. In addition, 31 states had all of their Clean Water SRF under contract.
For highway funding, the pace of turning ARRA funding allotments into contracts varies by state--sometimes dramatically.
The fastest-spending states, in the ARRA highway and bridge category, are:
(ARRA dollars under contract, in percent)
Maine: 100.0%
Wyoming 100.0
Pennsylvania: 99.7
Iowa: 97.7
Utah: 96.2
South Dakota: 93.5
New Hampshire: 91.8
West Virginia: 90.8
Mississippi: 90.1
Vermont: 90.0
The slowest-spending highway states are:
Hawaii: 42.5%
Nevada: 44.7
Virginia: 46.6
Ohio: 50.3
Delaware: 53.3
Louisiana: 55.9
Massachusetts: 55.9
California: 58.7
Oregon: 59.9
Texas: 63.1
[Source: House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee]