Under the radar, behind the project gate, inside the executive suite. That's where ENR's editors and bloggers deliver their insights, opinions, cool-headed analysis and hot-headed rantings.
Winners announced for ENR’s 3rd annual Global Best Projects competition. The program identifies and honors the global project teams behind outstanding design and construction efforts during the past year.
Missouri Diary, part 1: After Memorial Day, the intensity of the road trip accelerated to NASCAR-like conditions, even as Mrs. Martin continued to mosey along at about 60 mph on the highway. After our tour of the St. Louis arch park project (story to come soon), we hustled to Kansas City for two jam-packed non-stop days,
Consequential damages. Pay-if-paid. Indemnifications. These can dirty words in the design and construction business. We know because ENR just surveyed contractors about what they try to steer clear of. But we won’t censor those words in ENR or at ENR’s Risk Summit in Dallas June 16 th.
Monday, May 18: T his was actually the first day that Dan and I truly spent a whole day together on our road trip - and it was hard. Really, really hard. Mrs. Martin got stuck in traffic in Philly, on our way to a visit with the local DPW. It was hot – exactly the kind of weather we were trying to
People have been confused about the start of our road trip. I’ve been walking into my neighborhood watering holes and they go: “Wait, what? I thought you were on the road!” (Hopefully with pleasantly surprise, as in "Oh, glad you're still here" and not disappointed surprise, as in "Why the hell are you
She’s a rust-covered ballerina. She glided through the slow lane quite gracefully. However, her upholstery is the original horsehair material that it was in 1969. I popped two Benadryls in an attempt to keep my nose from leaking all over said upholstery and to keep my face from swelling like a roasting marshmallow.
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Congratulations Kyle!
Construction Burnout
Construction burnout
Working 11 days on, 3 days off, 13-15...