With belief that the market may have turned the corner, adoption of RDM Just-in-Time functionality by CPM software developers may be just in time. Read on about what this is and why ...
Our Construction CPM Conference 2011 is being held from January 12 – 15, 2011, at the Swan & Dolphin Resort, Walt Disney World FL. You still have time to join us. Read on ...
Momentum continues to build for the Construction CPM Conference. This will be held January 12-15 2011, at the Swan & Dolphin Resort, Walt Disney World FL. At 109 six weeks out we are trending to surpass 300 attendees. Read on ...
The cover story of this week’s print edition of ENR is Cost and Conscience: What the Gulf tells us about unlicensed engineering and industry exemptions. What Is – Or Is Not – the "industrial exemption" is based on laws defining and restricting the practice of engineering to professional engineers that are made by various state legislatures in an extremely political process. Read on...
The big news for the Construction CPM Conference, January 12-15, 2011, at the Swan Resort, Walt Disney World, Florida, is AACE (Association for Advancement of Cost Engineering International) will be conducting their PSP exam at our conference. What is the PSP Certification and why should (or not) practitioners become certified? Read on.
Recent Comments
Great article!...
Fred,Just reading your column in Oct., 2015. Wow, I am happy to hear this. As a PM for over 30 years, who has an affinity for scheduling, I had given up on Primavera because...
Hi Fred,<br/>Another "integrative" software I have been very impressed with is Jean-Yves Moine's "CUBIX 360". <a href="http://3d-wbs.blogspot.com/" rel='nofollow'>http://3d-wbs.blogspo...
I was recently asked by a client to develop an equation to estimate the risk-related costs associated with implementing a recovery schedule. Using a ratio of the free floats for activit...
We love change orders as a drywall sub, just let us get our contract work done and pay us promptly on the change, not 6-9 months after we installed the work which often happens.