It's the most diverse list to come from ENR New York's top firm surveys.
The region's Top Specialty Contractors are responsible for safely demolishing old sites. For creating enticing entrances out of metal, glass or a myriad of other materials. For making sure the power works. For hiring the craft workers who finish off projects in style.
Our final rankings of the Top Specialty Contractors in New York and New Jersey will appear in the Nov. 18-25, 2019, issue of ENR New York, alongside our profile of Coordinated Metals, 2019's Specialty Contractor of the Year. Readers can discover how all the firms rank, their revenue from 2018, the biggest projects they began or completed that year, and more.
The following is subject to change once the full list is compiled. In alphabetical order, here is the preliminary list of ENR New York's Top Specialty Contractors:
- Abscope Environmental Inc.
- American Pile and Foundation LLC
- Bamco Inc.
- Clean Earth
- Coordinated Metals Inc.
- E-J Electric Installation Co.
- Enclos Corp.
- Five Star Electric Corp.
- L.M. Sessler Excavating & Wrecking Inc.
- Lafayette Metal & Glass Company
- MasTec Inc.
- MMC Contractors Inc.
- O'Connell Electric Company Inc.
- P.A.L. Environmental Safety Corp.
- Perreca Electric Co.
- Petillo Inc.
- R Baker & Son
- Ruttura & Sons Construction Co.
- The DiGesare Group
- W&W Glass LLC