ENR California to Feature Top 25 Starts in April Edition
ENR California’a April 8 issue will feature a ranking of the biggest projects to break ground in the state during 2012. These Top 25 Starts total over $10 billion in construction activity in California, most of which is still ongoing today, providing a significant positive impact to the construction industry. All of these projects are valued at well over $100 million.
The 25 project starts are listed alphabetically below, along with the city where it is being built and the project's owner/developer. Be sure to read the April edition of ENR California to learn where each of these projects rank, and to find out additional information such as construction costs and project teams. The Top Starts 2012 section will also feature interviews with key members of the project teams.
The following list is preliminary, and is subject to change as additional information becomes available prior to publication of the ranking. Think we've missed a project over $150 million that began construction in 2012? Please let us know. Note a project start is defined as the beginning of construction activity on the job site, as opposed to just the start of pre-construction or a formal ground-breaking ceremony.
- 110th and Market, San Francisco, Tenth and Market LLC
- ARTIC Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center, Anaheim, Orange County Transportation Authority
- BART Silicon Valley Berryessa Extension, San Jose, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
- BART Warm Springs Station Extension, Fremont, SF Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART)
- Blvd6200 Phase 1, Hollywood, Clarett West Development/ DLJ Real Estate Capital Partners
- Catalina Solar Power Project, Mojave, EnXco Corporation
- Exposition Light Rail Phase 2, Santa Monica, Exposition Metro Line Construction Authority
- Foothill Extension Phase 2A Alignment, Pasadena, Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension
- Fort Irwin Replacement Hospital, Fort Irwin, USACE - Los Angeles District
- Hall of Justice Repair and Reuse Project, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Public Works
- Jacobs Medical Center, La Jolla, University of California San Diego
- Lorenzo Apartments, Los Angeles, G H Palmer Associates
- Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Expansion, Palo Alto, Stanford University Medical Center
- Mount Signal Solar Project, near Calexico, AES Solar Power LLC
- New Santa Clara Stadium, Santa Clara, Santa Clara Stadium Authority
- Palo Alto Medical Foundation San Carlos Center, San Carlos, Palo Alto Medical Foundation
- San Diego County Women's Detention Facility, Santee, County of San Diego
- San Francisco Public Safety Building, San Francisco, City & County of San Francisco
- San Gabriel Trench Grade Separation Project, Alameda Corridor-East Construction Authority
- San Marcos High School Rebuild, San Marcos, San Marcos Unified School District
- The Source, Buena Park, M&D Properties Inc.
- The Vermont Apartment Towers, Los Angeles, JH Snyder Development
- The Village at Santa Monica Mixed Use Complex, Santa Monica, Related California
- Third St Light Rail Phase 2 - TBM/Launch Box & Tunnel, San Francisco, City & County of San Francisco
- Water Quality Control Plant - Phase 1 Expansion, Riverside, City of Riverside